Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How To Promote Your Blog?

How To Promote Your Blog?
Not-so-recently, social networking and blogging have become way more cooler on the Internet. Some people use it as a hobby, while others earn money with their blogging career. Whatever your choice may be, you need people to read what you’ve written, right? So to increase your blog traffic, there are some smart things that you have to do. To start with, you can read this piece, which will give you tips on how to promote your blog.

1. Ping

Activate ping services for your blog. Ping services get notified once you make a blog post. This will expose your site on search engines and thus increase your traffic.

2. Instant emails

On your blog, you should always have an option whereby readers and other bloggers can easily sign up for your blog. This way they will get notified and get emails whenever you post a new article.

3. Scribd

To increase traffic for your blog, you can also submit your blog posts to Scribd. You just have to convert them into PDF files. But don’t forget to add your blog URL and summary in the document.

4. Twitter

With Google having indexed Twitter, now whatever you tweet related to your website will affect your online presence. So you can add tweets that link to your blog and thus increase traffic and promote your blog.

5. Facebook page

If you have a fashion or photography blog, you can create a Facebook page for it. This way it will keep your Facebook friends updated about your blog and attract more new members to your page and eventually your blog too.


Posting comments on other people’s blogs is another effective way to promote your blog. You can comment on the blogs which you like or those that are related to your blog’s theme. It’s like a give and take. So, when you appreciate someone’s blog, someone else will appreciate yours.

7. Public relations

If you promote your business through your blog, then you can also have a press release when you start your blog or submit your work in newspapers or magazines.

8. Guest blogs

Guest blogs are basically blog posts that you post on other people’s sites. You can choose a blog of your interest and then write a post for that blog. Write on an interesting topic, that others would like to read. This will provide you with exposure and people will be directed to your blog.

9. Forums

Forums are of many types. If you start a discussion/forum on your blog, other bloggers who share the same interest as you will take part in it. You can get other people’s comments too, which will eventually increase your traffic.

10. Make your blog look good

We don’t need to tell you this. Once you start a blog, you probably know you have to make it appealing, not only to yourself but also to others. However, you should keep in mind what your blog is about and then decide on the theme. For example, if it’s a photography blog you should make sure that your pictures get the maximum space and they are well highlighted. Also, make your blog easy to read with good fonts.

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