Wednesday, April 25, 2012

FanBox Earning Plan

Steps Never-Fail FanBox Earning Plan

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Hi, lets make money on fanbox, 
read my posts as it'll benefit both of us, 
i'll also co-operate with u thnx.
I m waiting for your positive responce.
good posts you have, ty

Go here and Sign up: Sign

Then start here:

second here:

3rd here:

4th here:

5th here:

If you have any questions feel free to send me a message. ty skye

Print this out or write it down and keep it handy.
As a Success Coach, when I meet someone for the first time, they already have a blog and have run at least one ad.

But often they don't realize what they need to do to earn.
I have a very simple 5-step plan that if you follow it for 7 days, you will earn money - guaranteed.
Try to do the steps in 7 days, but if you need 10, 20 or a whole month - that's fine too.
Just understand your results will be slower, but you will earn.
Just don't stop once you start.
By the first time you have completed the steps, you will have made a profit on FanBox.
You can do this.
1. Categorize and rate at least 10 posts a day to earn ad credits.
The more you rate, the more you will earn as the system learns how accurate you are.
Remember you aren't saying how much you liked the post, you are rating how well the post presents the information. On a scale of 1-10 how much would you rely on this post for information about [tag].
Feel free to add tags if you can think of a better tag to describe the post.

2. Write 1 good blog post and put up one good ad a day.
If you feel motivated to do more, do it. Just keep it enjoyable for yourself.
You get paid for the time people spend enjoying your posts, give them a reason to stay and read them.
If you aren't entirely sure what a good blog post or good ad is please just write me, I'm here to help you.

3. Put up an ad with every single post you do.
Use Knowledge Investor to fund those ads until you start accumulating ad credits to fund your own ads.
I recommend building up to at least $20 in ad credits.

4. Use Investor anywhere from $1-$10 at least once during those 7 days.
Investor works by spending the portfolios of people who ask for the least % returns FIRST.
Remember whatever the ending portfolio is will be the return % you get too.
So, if you asked for a 5% return but the Investor Module ended the day at a portfolio asking 25% - you get 25%.
If you live outside the United States, ask for a minimum of 25% return to cover exchange rates and any money transfer fees.
Remember, you're not buying stocks, you're funding ads here on FanBox.
It's a win=win because you're buying advertising and others are benefiting as well.
The idea here is to get your money working for you as quickly as possible if you want to invest more, by all means do so.

5. Become a Teacher and get at least one student.
If you have friends that want to be a part of FanBox, they can join and they have two weeks to choose a Teacher.
They can choose anyone they want - including YOU.
You will earn 10% of what they earn the first 6 months they are on FanBox.
Your earnings do NOT come out of their earnings. It costs them nothing.
Then, for the next 6 months (months 7-12 of their FanBox usership) you will earn 6% of what they earn.
After a year (months 13 and onwards), you earn 3% FOREVER!
When you become a teacher, give your students this 5 point plan and kick start their earnings on FanBox!
Once you've done the steps and seen your profit, do the steps again and repeat the increase in your earnings on FanBox.

My purpose for joining FanBox was to be able to earn a little extra money, meet new people and be able to help people along the way. Since joining FanBox, I have been able to do all of the above and so much more!
What about you?
Why did you join?

My goal for this brand new year is to focus on helping people become the absolute best they can be in any and all areas. What are your goals?

My job as your Success Coach is to help you reach any and all goals you may have by educating you about all the wonderful opportunities that FanBox has to offer. So let's get started! I have enclosed some links that you may find helpful and beneficial to you and your journey of success on FanBox .

The first link is showing how to post your first blog which I know you are already a pro at but I have provided it just in case you need a reminder. Here is the link:

The second link is going to teach you how to properly advertise other people's posts. Here is the link:

The third link will teach you how to categorize and rate people's posts. Here is the link for that:

The fourth link teaches you how to create the best ad possible. Here is the link:

Ok I will get to the doubling your profits part now…
The fifth link will explain how you can double your profits! Keep track of your progress on the progress bar located in the Genie!

Also if you know another language besides English and are comfortable submitting ads that way the following link will teach you how to properly do that. Here it is:

If you have any questions or problems please feel free to contact me any time. I am so happy to be working with you on your journey to success. Thanks for becoming my client!





You dont have to write nothing. all  you do is find interesting blogs on the web that you think others will real or view. thats it waaalaaaa. u make money . the more someone views the post or blog you make money, copy and paste a blog or post you find on the web and paste it on fanbox. share it and waalaaa u make money. look at my articles, posts, blogs. there are picture blogs u can make money also. find 20 pictures and make a post. create a free article on the pictures and waalaaa. hope this helped

Hi there Fan, pm me for tips ok hun. start posting & createing post using poems they really get more hits, view an ratings. Also rate postings daily for points for promoting your own articles an blogs.

Here's where you rate postings, bookmark it:
Everytime you get a little extra money in your matured area to cash out. Dont cash out. Use that to promote your articles and blogs for the next months payout.

Here is my profile stuff:

And heres a Fanbox Earning Plan that might help you:

Keep posting and work daily rating & commenting on others postings. It all makes you money.

Earn by Categorizing and Rating Posts

People use FanBox Search to find the very best blog posts.
Now you can earn by Categorizing and Rating posts… helping FanBox Search to work even better.
In this post:
First, we’ll discuss how you can CATEGORIZE posts
Then, we'll discuss how to RATE posts 
And finally, we'll discuss how you can EARN by Categorizing and Rating posts

I’ll also surprise you with a very special earning twist.  :)

Categorizing Posts
By Categorizing a post, you are simply answering the question "What is this post REALLY about?"
You Categorize a post by entering one or more Search Terms into this yellow box (that appears at the bottom of all blog posts):

You can also help Categorize a post by AGREEING or DISAGREEING with Search Terms that other people have entered:

Here's an example of Categorizing:

You teach FanBox that a post is about (or not about) "food" by

1)   entering "food" into the yellow Search Term box, or

2) agreeing (or disagreeing) with the term "food", that someone else entered, by clicking the "check mark" (or the “x”) symbol.

Now -- assuming you and many others agree that this post is about “food” -- when people search for "food", that post will appear in FanBox Search results:

Rating Posts
After Categorizing a post, you'll be asked to Rate the post -- by giving it a score of 0 to 10.

By Rating a post, you are simply answering the question:
"How would you rate the QUALITY of this post, as compared to other posts about this same topic?”
Think about this:
Maybe you believe a post is definitely about "food” – AND you believe it’s a really HIGH QUALITY post about "food".
And maybe you think the same post is also definitely about “eating”; however, you believe it’s NOT really a great post about “eating”. 
So you might think that a post is really about a number of different topics. But within each of those topics, you might have a different opinion of how good the post is for that topic – so you rate it differently for each topic.

Rating a post teaches FanBox Search HOW HIGH the post should appear in search result listings -- relative to other posts about that same topic (Search Term).

Here's an example of Rating posts: 
After Categorizing a post with the Search Term "food”, you are then asked to Rate it -- picking a number between 0 and 10. 
-- If you give it an 8, 9 or 10, then you're telling FanBox to show this post as one of the very first (best) posts in search result listings, when people search for "food".
-- If you rate it a 0, 1 or 2, you're telling FanBox that its NOT a very good post about "food", so it should NOT show up as one of the first results in search listings for "food".
-- 3 and 4 are below average; 5 is average; and 6 and 7 are above average.
In summary, there are 3 activities in Categorizing and Rating posts:
   A) Entering a new Search Term into the yellow Search Term box
   B) Agreeing or Disagreeing with a Search Term that someone else entered
   C) Rating a post, after you Categorize it by doing activity A or B.

Can you guess which of these 3 activities (A, B or C) earns you the most?
And which activity earns you the 2nd most?

I’ll let you think about that for a moment…
Remember your answer. Later in this post, we’ll see how accurate your guess was. :)

HOW DO YOU EARN by Categorizing and Rating posts?
 By Categorizing and Rating posts, you're playing a very important role in the Knowledge Economy, because:
-- You're determining where posts appear in FanBox search result listings: Up high at the top; in the middle… or near the bottom.
 -- Remember that posts that appear near the top of search result listings can get over 100 times more visitors than those that appear in the middle or bottom of search result listings.
 -- More visitors translates into more time (user engagement) spent in blogs – which is how bloggers get paid on FanBox.
 -- More visitors from FanBox Search also means more fans, friends and blog followers – leading to even more future earnings for the blogger.

So by Categorizing and Rating posts, you're helping to determine which posts deserve to get the lion's share of earnings… and how much bloggers earn.

Given how critical this role is in the Knowledge Economy, the system pays very close attention to how YOU Categorize and Rate posts: 
-- The system records every single Categorizing and Rating action you take, creating a comprehensive and multi-dimensional history (grid) of all your decisions.
-- Using this grid, it compiles and updates a Categorizing and Rating (CAR) Score for you. 
-- The higher your CAR Score, the higher your Categorizing and Rating earning potential.
-- Your CAR Score is kept confidential and encrypted in the system, and nobody – not even you – can see it.

So, how does the system determine your CAR Score? 
To set your Score, the system looks at how "smart" your Categorizing and Rating decisions are.
The FanBox algorithms determine how smart your answers are, based on how similar your answers are to the answers of other smart people (based partially on their CAR Scores).

That’s right: People that achieve high Scores are teaching the system: 
1)   how to sort FanBox Search results
2)   how to set the CAR Score of other users

People with high Scores will earn more – a lot more – from Categorizing and Rating posts, than people with low Scores.
If there’s one thing I want you to remember, it’s that your CAR Score is very important  -- TAKE IT VERY SERIOUSLY. 

So how can you do that? What do you need to do to protect your CAR Score?

Don’t worry; it’s actually very simple. Here’s how:
Pay close attention when you’re Categorizing and Rating posts – because that’s how your CAR Score is determined 

What does this mean to you?
 You do not want to Categorize or Rate posts without first putting on your THINKING CAP!
-- If you Categorize or Rate without having first carefully read the blog post, you will almost definitely be hurting your Score.
-- So make sure to read the blog carefully before Categorizing and Rating it.
-- If you haven't carefully read the post -- enough to form an opinion about it -- I strongly advise you to NOT Categorize or Rate the post.

People who achieve high CAR Scores will be rewarded with very good Categorizing and Rating earnings – as I promise you will see in the coming days.
People with low Scores will earn almost nothing from Categorizing and Rating.
To maximize your Earnings:
Categorize and Rate as many posts as possible!
The more you Categorize and Rate, the more you earn -- so long as you're carefully reading the posts so that you can Categorize and Rate them smartly.

Here’s my first favorite part:
Now, you can take advantage of all the time you're alreadyspending enjoying blog posts! 
Each post that you carefully read, is an instant opportunity to increase your earnings with very little effort!

Think about it…
You should make it a point to almost never leave a post without Categorizing and Rating it – as long as you have determined that you have carefully read it -- and have paid good attention to it when you were reading it.
OK, here’s the surprise earning twist I promised:
All earnings from Categorizing and Rating posts will appear in your FanBox Bank as already matured Ad Credits! 
This means that they can be immediately invested into FanBox Ads – to advertise your posts -- or anyone else’s posts –without waiting for the earnings to mature: 
As you know, we normally wait 30 days for earnings to be available for Ads; and 60 days to be available for Cash Out.
Earnings from Categorizing and Rating are Ad Credits that are instantly matured and immediately ready to invest.
Ad Credits cannot be cashed out. But the earnings you achieve by investing (using) your Ad Credits can of course be cashed out.
Some Tips, Facts, and Do's & Dont's
 It's OK to Categorize your own posts, by entering additional tags (Search Terms) but you cannot rate your posts. To remove confusion, the system simply won't let you.
 Giving high marks to the posts of people that you know or like does NOT help them, but will harm YOUR CAR Score.
-- For best results, simply try and be completely honest -- as if you don't know the author.
-- The best question to ask yourself, when Categorizing and Rating posts, is: "How would a super-smart reader -- that didn't know this author -- Categorize and Rate this post?"
Also, giving low ratings to the posts of your competitors does NOT harm them, but WILL harm your CAR Score.
Again, ask yourself that same question: “What would a super-smart person do?”
For best results, that’s what you should do too.
Creating fake accounts to rate posts DOES NOT HELP your posts or earnings, but will be harmful to your objectives:
-- Fake accounts and similar behavior that's intended to cheat your fellow Knowledge Workers causes the system to mark your real and fake account(s) for deletion; and have all your earnings, fans, friends, posts, and photos permanently removed from the system.
--Remember that accounts marked for deletion are usually not deleted immediately, in order to create maximum frustration and effort for cheaters.

Answer to the pop quiz:
Earlier, I asked which of these 3 activities earns you the most:  
   A) Entering a new Search Term into the yellow Search Term box
   B) Agreeing or Disagreeing with a Search Term that someone else entered
   C) Rating a post, after you Categorize it

The answer is:
By far, activity A (entering a new Search Term into the yellow box) earns you the most! 
Activity C, Rating a post, earns you the 2nd most; and Activity B (Agreeing or Disagreeing) earns the 3rd most.

So, why does Activity A earn you the most? 
Of these three activities, it takes more care and intelligence to enter a correct Search Term -- that accurately says what the post is really about -- and to do it without making a spelling error.
Therefore, it’s only fair that the system rewards you more for entering a smart Search Term -- than it does for simply Agreeing or Disagreeing with what someone else previously entered.

And finally, the icing on the cake… The Super Smart Bonus:
By now, we know that to maximize your earnings, we need topay close attention when Categorizing and Rating posts.
We also know that the system will reward us most for entering Search Terms (that other smart people later agree with) in the yellow Search Term box.

Are you ready for this? Are you sitting down?
At the last minute, before adding the final earnings to our FanBox Bank, the system looks for other clues that we’re smart….
And if it finds those clues, it grants us a hefty “Super Smart Bonus”!
Specifically, if we’re also succeeding at earning via other activities such as Making New Posts and Advertising Posts – the system immediately and automatically takes that into consideration – and adds on a Super Smart Bonus.  
It does this because it also takes intelligence to earn by Making New Posts and Advertising.
So, for the very same amount of smart Categorizing and Rating -- we will earn a LOT more (via this Super Smart Bonus) if we’re also succeeding at Making New Posts and/or Advertising our own or other people’s posts.

Lastly, are you worried that maybe you already have a negative CAR Score, because you previously did some Categorizing and Rating events that you now wish you had not?

The FanBox engineers are one step ahead of us! All negative CAR Scores were cleared this morning, giving each of us the opportunity for a brand new, super-clean beginning. :)

Happy Categorizing and Rating! 
And thanks in advance for your efforts to power up the Knowledge Economy!

How To Create A Blog For First time

Day by day, many people are coming in this site. As being a "Success Coach" of Fanbox, I am getting so many new clients day by day. Some of them are very innocent, doesn't have any idea about blogs & post. Many of my clients had enquired me so many questions about this site.
#1. How to create blog & post?
#2. How to earn in this site?
#3. How & why Fanbox giving income to the users.
And so many things. Now I'm going to show you how will you create a blog and a post for first time.
Firstly you need to know about 'Blog' and 'Post'.
'Blog' is a personal journal published on the world wide web consisting of discrete entries. All entries are 'Posts'. A blog may contain 1 post or many. Typically posts displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears first. Blogs are usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often are themed on a single subject.
How you will create a blog and a post? Follow this.
After login in Fanbox, firstly 'Home Page' will come as it is shown below:
There are two options to go
"create blog & post zone". You can click on 'Produce' as 1st option. It will redirected to this position:
Also you can click on 'My Dashbord' as 2nd option. It will open another page like this.
It will open the page of 'Genie'. Here you will get so many options. To create post you have to click on "Post Your Knowledge", as shown in the pic.
Clicking on that tab, you will be redirected to the page above.
For make it easy I'm showing the page again here below.
Just click on the area as shown above, to write anything. You can write your knowledge, experiences, idea or anything else. Like this:
This area quite similiar to Microsoft Words. So you can format your note as you prefer.
Also you can share your Tour photo, party photo or any kind of pictures which are really interesting. For uploading a picture in the post, you have to click on "Insert/edit image", as shown below.
You will find 6 icons there.
1st icon to insert Emotions.
2nd icon to insert Pictures.
3rd icon to insert Videos.
4th icon to insert Link of other things.
5th icon to Put the dollar sign, which I will explain at the last.
6th icon to create new product or services for sell.
If you want to insert photos, you have to click on 2nd option, as shown above picture. It will open another window after clicking on it. Just click on browse and select your prefered photos from you folder, and insert that.
Following the same way, clicking on 3rd icon on the top you can insert a video too, as shown below.
It will open another small window like this.
To paste the video link, you need to open youtube or any other video site, where from you will get your prefered video links. You have to copy the video link from there, and paste here as shown above. After pasting just insert that. No need to change dimensions at all, it will take proportionately.
Now the finally you have to put the dollar sign ($) in a particular place.
What is the use of dollar sign?
It is a mark, or boundary upto which you can let other people view freely, when anybody find your blog in your wall or anybody's wall, as shown below:
Seeing the first two, three lines and the attrctive headlines if people feels more to read, they will click on read more. The ( $) sign indicates that boundary. Whenever they click on your posts or read more tab, you are going to generate money for their viewing. The more people, and the more time they spent in your posts, you earn more and more.
Now it's time to save your post now. If you feel that you had done everything accroding to your plan, just click on the save button below as shown in the picture.
It will open another window, where you have to type the name of this post.
 Also there will be 6 empty box to put "Search Terms - What is the post about?" Be careful here. You must enter 6 valid and meaningful search terms there which are really close to your post's subject, as I had given this posts name "How To Create A Post" and all six search terms are quite related to this post.
Remember you can save this as draft without publishing. But if you will click on the publish, immediately it will be publish, if the post doesn't violate the Fanbox rules & regulations.
Immediately it will open an window telling you that your post has been published on the Web, as shown here.

Also Fanbox will offer for creating ad against your post exactly below of this success note, like this. You can create ad or ignore.
Last thing, I must tell you that, after publishing any post for first time, Fanbox automatically create the blog name as you had written the 1st line in the post.
So you have to change your blog name, if it does not suit your plan and criteria. As I wrote 1st line "How To Create A Blog For First time", fanbox system automatically took it as the name of Blog.
So I changed the name of my blog according to my plan. I am planning to put all my coaching guidelines here in this blog for my all clients only. So I edited my blog name in this way.
Go to produce button again after publishing the post, to change the name of blog. It will bring the last post infront of you. Click on the "Edit" button beside of the blog name. Write blog title as you wish. Change the icon photo if you feel and save that. Please see the picture.
Now it is ready to rock.
Thanks for viewing and learning.
Happy blogging and earning.
**Creating ads of other's posts is not a smart way to earn. Create ads on your own posts and earn 100% from your investment.
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