Thursday, May 3, 2012

2012 May Hottest Hand Picked Hotties



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Neobux banner advertising, is it worth?
  • I was trying to find the best place to advertise my site, and I think the right place is at neobux. But 1 month banner advertising costs almost 300 usd, a bit expensive..
  • The site in question is a bux site... some good bux sites get 500 or more new members daily, I know that most of them uses ppc sistem to advertise... but I think that get new 200 members per day should be not difficult in a site with more than 3 million users, the neobux case.  
  • Neobux is considered the best PTC site out there... it is the best place for big advertisement of top quality product & services... Though I'm not an advertiser, if ever I would put up one... It's gonna be @ Neobux.
  • I think it all depends on the kind of product or service that you are going to advertise or promote. Neobux members are there because they want to earn some money. So if you advertise a product or service which is about online business or making money, then the members will be more interested in your advertisement. Well, that's just my opinion because I've never advertised anything on Neobux or in any other PTCs. There's a new feature in neobux which allows members to advertise for less, maybe you could try it. It's called mini-exposure advertisement which pay members $0.005 per click. It's cheap and varies in prices depending on which pack you choose, the more clicks you purchase, the more you save money. If you're interested, google it for more info.

What is is one of the largest and most trusted GetPaidTo-sites out there. As any other GPT-site they have two kinds of costumers who both are dependent on each other.

Advertisers - Pay to get their content published

Readers/clickers - Get paid to click on the ads

The idea is simple and effective. Advertiser pays money to NeoBux and then the reader gets a part of this money when clicking one of the ads.

My expectations

Now, as you probably thought of already, this is probably the worst kind of traffic you can get. They just sit there waiting for the timer to run out so they can get paid and move on to next link.

I got a package consisting of 2 000 clicks here. The price was 17$ which is very little. When advertising on facebook they usually recommend you to pay between 0.50$ and 1$ per click if you want someone to even bother to show your ads.

The price is very fair for the product. Bad traffic should not cost much at all and it doesn't at NeoBux. Out of the 2 000 clicks I paid for I expected to get a response-rate around 1% or so.

The result

I decided to spend all my clicks on one single advertisment. A refferal-link to a site which offers it users to get paid to share pictures. Kind of like WikiNut but for photos. I thought this would be a great idea since the users of NeoBux probably are interested in this.

I launch the ad-campaign. I log on a few hours later. 2 000 views, not a single registration.

Out of 2 000 people who are willing to read ads for less than 1.2$ an hour, not a single one had interest in sharing their pictures and get paid for it. Interesting.

While I didn't expect any good response, I would have thaught that at least someone would be interested in this. So a question popped up in my head.

Is one of the most trusted GPT-sites a scam, or is the quality of the traffic really that bad?

Either way, I would absolutely NOT recommend anyone to use any advertising-service of this kind.
AS OF 2012:
NeoPoint and NeoCoin offers are now fully enabled for everyone.
You can access the offers by clicking the "Offers" button located at the right of the "View advertisements" button.
You can then switch between NeoCoin and NeoPoint offers clicking the respective orange button.

First I would like to thank all that participated in the beta testing and congratulate most of you for the amazing earnings you've collected during this period.

Although we had only a few users beta testing the offers, all users that made at least 3 offers managed to get an average of $23.08 per day of earnings each with some actually earning more than $100 per day. This is absolutely amazing and we're still unable to even project the total daily amount now that all users will be able to use the offers. I'm sure it will be great.

We took this long to get out of the beta phase because we wanted to give you the best conversion rate possible. And we did.

NeoPoint offers
All beta NeoPoint have been added to your NeoPoints balance and starting now all offers will be credited directly that same balance.
NeoPoints are credited right after the offer is successful.

NeoCoin offers
NeoCoin offers are credited 60 days after a successful offer completion. This period is required for security reasons.
NeoCoins can only be converted to real money credited directly to your Main Balance.

The conversion rate is as follows:
  • 5,000 NeoCoins = $1.0 for each 1000 NeoCoins = $5
  • 10,000 NeoCoins = $1.1 for each 1000 NeoCoins = $11
  • 20,000 NeoCoins = $1.2 for each 1000 NeoCoins = $24
  • 30,000 NeoCoins = $1.3 for each 1000 NeoCoins = $39
  • 40,000 NeoCoins = $1.4 for each 1000 NeoCoins = $56
  • 60,000 NeoCoins = $1.5 for each 1000 NeoCoins = $90
  • 80,000 NeoCoins = $1.6 for each 1000 NeoCoins = $128
  • 100,000 NeoCoins = $1.7 for each 1000 NeoCoins = $170
You can convert your NeoCoins as soon as you have enough and after the 60 days period.

Also NeoCoin offers will grant you a referral commission from your direct referrals' offers. You'll get not 5%, 10%, or even 15%… you'll get 20% of the amount of NeoCoins each of your direct referrals earns. For example, if your direct referral earns 20,000 NeoCoins you'll get 4,000 NeoCoins. The amount you can earn from all referrals is unlimited as always.

Rules for NeoCoins commissions:
  • Credited after 60 days just like your own commissions.
  • The user must still be your referral after the 60 days.
  • If the offer is canceled the user will get the NeoCoins canceled and your commission will also be canceled.

In the case of any pending offer not credited, you'll need to contact the offer's provider support directly. At the top-right of any offer table you'll find a link to do so.
Although we'd love to help as always, this time it's a different support you'll need to reach regarding all offers.

Future plans
We'll be integrating new offer providers which will enhance the earning possibilities.
We're taking this very cautiously and evaluating each and every one carefully which means that new ones will be added as soon as we're sure that everything works ok.

We're still evaluating the current offers for the best possible conversion but we didn't want to keep you waiting indefinitely. If we get new values that will benefit you we won't change the conversion rates but instead we'll increase the NeoCoin and NeoPoint offers' amounts. For example, if today a particular offer is worth 10,000 NeoCoins and we can get a better deal out of it we'll increase it to 12,000 or 15,000 NeoCoins (all examples).

And remember that this is a PTC. Now all can use the offers but we may limit them to be seen after a few advertisements, for example. Our main core remains the same and we want it to be what drives us forward every day.

Hope all of you have as much profit as the beta testers did (or more if possible).
Most of all, have fun while earning.



Making Complex Selections in Photoshop

Making precise selections in Photoshop is an essential skill that every designer needs. As a print designer, you will find yourself using selections to remove objects from their background to place within ads. As a web designer, you might extract an image and place it on a website with no background. If you are a photographer, you might make a selection to remove blemishes or other unwanted features from an image. You can’t get around it; everyone uses selections, and if you make excellent selections, you’ll end up with excellent work.
So, what do you do when you have something that is extremely difficult to select with normal selection tools? As basic selection tools, you have the marquee tool, the lasso tools, the magic wand tool, and the quick selection tool at your disposal. These don’t always do the trick; you don’t have a truly precise tool to make intricate selections.
Even with the masking and channels, you can’t make a precise selection consistently. Sure, you can refine your selection, feather it, and spend a lot of time on it, but that method is neither easy nor consistent. Notice in the image below (which you can download from here), there is a woman on a subtle background. This might not be considered a terribly complex selection, but the hair is fairly difficult to extract onto its own layer.
You can try the quick selection tool, which does a great job of making a selection of the bulk of the image, but making a more refined selection is difficult with this method. The problem is the hair. The wisps of hair are too fine and tedious to select with standard selection tools.
In comes Refine Mask to the rescue. In the example, I made the selection using the Quick Selection Tool. This does a good job of selecting most of the image, but now we are going to refine our selection. In Photoshop, when you make a selection, the options menu for your selection tool should offer a button that says “Refine Mask.” Click that button to bring up the Refine Mask Dialog Box.
The Refine Mask menu is one of the best tools for refining your selection. You have many options for viewing your mask:
  • Marching Ants, which is your basic selection view.
  • Overlay, which is the same view as quick mask mode.
  • On Black, which gives you a lot of contrast in your view and looks just like a normal layer mask.
  • On White, which offers the same kind of contrast with the opposite background.
  • Black & White, which helps you distinguish your selection from the background when you are trying to see dark and light areas of an image that you want to add and subtract from your selection.
  • On Layers, which shows your underlying layers.
  • Reveal layer, which shows the normal background.
Each view has its own purpose, but the best views for contrast would have to be On BlackOn White, and Black & White. This dialog box is handy, because you can easily toggle between each view by hitting the “F” key. You can see in the example below that our selection is good, but the wisps of hair are not included in the selection.
We can fix this by using the Smart Radius Slider. Just by using this slider, we can a more refined and precise selection. I bumped it all the way up to 250px and in doing so, have the result shown below:
This slider does a great job, but there are still a couple of hair wisps that aren’t included in the selection, making our image incomplete. We want our images to look as natural as possible, so we’ll need to include those. The Refine Mask dialog has a brush on the left that you can use to add to and subtract from the selection. Hold shift to add to the selection, and hold alt/​option to subtract from the selection. If you need a different view, use the “F” key to toggle through the different views.
Our selection looks great and is much more detailed than before. As we cycle through the different views, we can see the hair that we wanted to include in our selection. Many would say that this is a very good selection, but now, if you go to the view called On Black, you can see a light outline around the woman’s body and in her hair.
This is called fringe. You could go through and erase it all or try to contract your selection, but it could cut into your image, which makes your selection worse instead of better. The best option in the Refine Edge menu is the bottom one called Output. If you select Decontaminate colors, you can move the slider to the right and remove the fringe.
You can also select how this is output. You can choose New layer with layer mask, new layer, new document, or new document with layer mask. If you still need to keep this in the current document, then choose to create a new layer with a layer mask. This gives you the ability to refine the layer mask even more. When you are done with your refinements, right-​​click on the layer mask icon and select Apply Mask.
With the image extracted, now you can place it over any background that you want. With your complex and professional level selections, you can convert them to masks and mask out and extract any object from its background. I added this background texture below the extracted image, and the result is shown below.
You might think that you need a lot of contrast for this to work, but in reality, you don’t. Here is a sample image of a dandelion, which you can find here. The image doesn’t have a lot of contrast, and the tones of the background and subject are very similar.
Make a rough selection of the dandelion. This doesn’t have to be exact, but try to select as much of the main image as you can. I used the quick selection tool, which took about 3 seconds to make this selection.
Then, I simply turned on smart radius and bumped the value all the way up.
To get rid of the extra content in the background, such as the green from the rest of the field, I used Decontaminate Colors and bumped the value all the way up. I exported the selection as a mask on its own layer and voila!
The Refine Edge and Refine Mask Settings can handle easy or tough selections, and it makes the process of making complex selections much easier. These techniques can make your Photoshop selections quicker, easier, and better.
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