Sunday, July 29, 2012

How to create a hyperlink

here are the procedures..

go to My Dashboard

create a post

now if you want to create a hyperLink
you can type a word or sentence that describes the Link
that you wanted to post.

copy the unique URL
that you wanted to post
(can be found at the bottom of each post above the comments)

go back to your dashboard
cLick on the Insert/edit link icon
remember!! the word/sentence shouLd stiLL be seLected
when you cLick on the insert/edit Link icon

now paste unique URL that you copied
on the space provided for Link URL

thenk cLick insert

it's done!!!

Storms FanBox Ultimate Blogs

Earning With Ads

            Earning With Ads

   If you are having a hard time figuring out how to earn with your ads then you have come to the right place! I wanted to create a video to show you how I do it, so you can do it too.  
In these videos I talk about...
  • how to fund ads 
  • tags/search terms
  • the different types of ads we can fund

     Hope you found the videos helpful! If you have questions about anything just let me know in the comments and I will be happy to answer. 

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