Sunday, April 8, 2012

Top Ten SignsThat Woman Is Attracted to You

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Flirting is an art form. You need to practice it to attain mastery over it. It consists of giving out not so evident signals at the correct time. But there are lot of resources for guidance on the topic of flirting available these days. But flirting is only a part of the ordeal. You should also have an understanding of the flirting gestures that a woman also drops subtly to know if you are successful with her.
Women naturally are experts at giving subtle indications. So it is upto the man to decipher these indications which could be a word, eye movement, body language etc. Be alert always when in the company of your woman.
Top Ten Signs that Woman is Attracted to You
Below are 10 points which will help you know that a woman is flirting with you. But any of them need not be so always. It could be that the woman you are with has this tendency to be the centre of attraction and hence seeks help from such flirting actions.
Or her nature might be to be friendly with everyone. One way to know about her behavior is to notice her, but this is only possible if you are in a position to observe her constantly. If her nature is to be friendly then don’t interpret these as flirting.
The below mentioned indications are true irrespective of the situation they are displayed - be it a coffee café, club or restaurant. Be vigilant to spot these.
Her gaze is always on you
Top Ten Signs that Woman is Attracted to You
Observer her gaze. Does she always look at you when you are looking at her? Does she turn her gaze away when you look at her? These are sure indications that she is entertaining you. If she doesn’t match your eye contact then she is shy and you need to make her a little more comfortable. Just walk to her and introduce yourself.
She passes you a smile 
Smile is undoubtedly an open invitation and an inidication that she is open to friendship with you. Many people smile while in the company of those  they enjoy being with. Spot the sparkle in her eye? Well then she surely is cherishing your company and all you have to do is to make her enjoy all the more.
She puts in a lot of effort so that you notice her
Top Ten Signs that Woman is Attracted to You

Top Ten Signs that Woman is Attracted to You
If she takes an unnecessarily long route while going to some place, this indicated that she want you to notice her. For example, on her way to restrooms she deliberately passes through where you are seated eventhough the restrooms are nowhere near you. This is a very clear open invite. If she passes on a smile you are totally into her already.
She fondles her locks
Top Ten Signs that Woman is Attracted to You
For a woman her hair is a very important part to show off her beauty. That is why women are very particular about their hair cut. Hair has an amazing power of seducing you. If you see her throwing her hair seductively or twirling and fondling with her hair, she is deep into you and is flirting with you for sure. So make the dash for her!
Top Ten Signs that Woman is Attracted to You
But do notice other subtle body language which she displays. Some women are comfortable showing their neck, some cross their hands so as to show that they are well endowed. Many women just dangle their shoes off the curvature of feet, since many men link that curvature to their body. But if she is locked in her arms, she is happy maintaining a distance from you rather than being close to you. So be alert to pick up such indications.
 Top Ten Signs that Woman is Attracted to You
She starts conversation
Top Ten Signs that Woman is Attracted to You
Nothing could be as evident about her interest in you if she starts the talking with you. If she opens up with a line like, “I think I have seen you somewhere”, this is a clear indication that she wants to have a conversation with you.
If she asks you open ended questions I am sure you will definitely know her intentions since this is a weapon men use very often. She might go a step further, whispering and disclosing secrets by bringing her face closer to you. The underlying motive may be to give you a taste of the perfume she has put on.
Is she playing all the tactics you were supposed to use?
She likes your jokes
Top Ten Signs that Woman is Attracted to You 
If you tell her a funny story, look out for the way she reacts. If she puts her head back and openly laughs or simply says “Is that really funny?” then she is open for you. If she is interested in you, she will intently listen to you which you definitely know through her body language (open mouth, eyes focused on you etc)
Inquires about your hobbies
Top Ten Signs that Woman is Attracted to You
Does she ask you about hobbies? She may even ask about specific activities. This are subtle indications to meet up on another occasion. Or it could be just to drop you a hint that she too is interested in some activities and wants you to ask them. But one big green signal is if she asks is you like dancing, movies or dinner.
She praises you
Top Ten Signs that Woman is Attracted to You
Woman are not very liberal when it comes to appreciate anyone. But if she happens to do just that, then you should be proud of yourself. If the compliment is about your body then it clearly shows her interest in you. another way to show her interest is when she repeats your name, showing that you have embedded yourself deep into her mind and she is ready to get more intimate with you.
Start Flirting
But be cautious, since these indications could be just keeping you as a friend. So be alert for about 4 such indications. If she displays any 5 or more of such signs you have definitely captured her imagination and have a free way into her mind.
Now that you have known the theory about how to recognize flirtations of a woman, time is to practice them. But as everything, practice is needed for mastery over it. Be alert but don’t overdo it. Don’t be too focused on spotting these signs. Remember to enjoy the company with her and relax. If you are not able to decipher, she will make her signs stronger for you to understand her true intentions

Losing first love lose it without losing yourself

 Losing first love – lose it without losing
Anyone who remembers his first love would probably agree that losing your first love is one of the most traumatic, painful emotional experiences of a person’s younghood. When our very first love is not reciprocated or when it abandons us, we truly feel crashed and our world collapses. That perfect world that we thought we had with that perfect person who we were crazy about all of a sudden became not as stable and as eternal as we first thought. After all, every man and a woman tend to believe that that first person who they fall for is that one-of-a-kind special partner that will spend a lifetime with them. When these hopes are shattered by the common reality of losing first love, we feel betrayed, powerless, and above all – angry; we believe that there has to be something we could do to fix the situation, to bring that person back into our life and to resolve any differences that caused the break-up. Usually, however, our attempts to bring our first “ex” back only have the reverse effect – they distance our first romantic partner even further from us and make the break-up hurt even more. As in most other situation, you cannot impose yourself upon someone who doesn’t want to be with you, and the harder you try the more undesirable you will become.
It hurts losing your first love and most people would agree that the first break-up is the hardest one. It is unbearable to be without your first lover, look at the photos of the two of you, think about all the things you have done together and plan to do together. But hey, you have to move on. Overcoming such painful experiences is almost inevitable, and it is your duty to yourself to handle a break-up the right way.
So, what can you do to aleviete that pain, if you are at the stage of having the bitter taste of losing love for the first time in your life?
First and foremost, you have to realize that no matter how bad and how unique your pain is, it is what everyone feels and experiences when in your shoes. And guess what – the vast majority of people do not settle and spend their whole life with their first love. Every young boy and girl cry, reminiscing on the great times that they had with their first beloved, the looks they got and gave to each other, their magic nights, all the places they went together and all the things they did together and have in common. No matter how special and unique you believe your situation is and no matter how one-of-a-kind you think your love is, I have to tell you that you are not the first person who feels that way, so you must remember that what you feel is not uncommon for a person in your situation, and it can be successfully dealt with, and you will deal with it and will eventualy overcome it and will move on.
Secondly, if that other person initiated a break-up, you must stop trying to get him/her back. During my work with people of different ages and dating backgrounds, I haven’t yet seen one person return to anyone as a result of being convinced by the one they broke up with to come back. You should realize that if a person made a decision to leave you, then he/she has their own reasons for it that might even be beyond your ability to relate or change. Anything you do to bring that person back into your life will only make you more unattractive and even repelling to him/her.
Thirdly, you should know that there is no shortcut or a quick trick that will allow you to get over your pain. Getting over first love takes time! A certain amount of time must elapse before the pain begins going away. It might take anywhere from several weeks to several months before you feel any relief.  By keeping youself busy and interested in other people socially and romantically, you will help the healing process dramatically. It is also very important that you remember that what you feel is normal. It’s an emotion. An emotion of love and romantic interest takes time to develop and it takes time to go away when you break up. You cannot expect something you felt for months or years to disappear overnight. In fact, you should be concerned if you don’t feel any pain, as that should raise some concerns about your emotional availability and sensitivity as a human being.
I can bet that if you just lost your first love, you are convinced that he/she is one of a kind and that you are never going to meet anyone quite like him/her, especially if you feel that you have never meet anyone like him/her before. Well, guess what - I can also bet that this is not true! The reality of the dating life of all people I worked with shows beyond any doubt that they meet many, many more people after their first love, who they fall in love with and who they consider to be very special in their own, unique way. It’s true that no two people are alike, but it’s also true that every person, including every subsequent person who you will date will have something special about him/her that your former love didn’t. So, don’t allow yourself to aggravate your heart even further by making yourself believe that your loss is irreplacable. This is simply not true.
Perceive your loss of first love as a positive stage in your life. It’s part of growing up, part of becoming mature and learning how to deal with breaking up and rejection. And the best part is that every subsequent break-up in your life will be easier as you will learn how to handle it and how to move on with your life.
Lastly, don’t consider your past relationships to be a waste of time. The only time when the relationship is a waste of time is if you were in it for the wrong reasons or if you didn’t learn anything from it and moved forward without becoming a better partner and without reflecting on the possible mistakes that you made in your last relationship that you could and should avoid in the future.
You enjoyed loving as long as it lasted. I sure hope that you learned something from that experience and that you also reflect on the possible mistakes you made. It’s never too early or too late to learn how to be a better relationship partner and how to avoid having the same problems in the future as you had in the past. 
The vast majority of people lose their first love and pretty much all of them live through it, becoming stronger and more mature individuals and lovers. You will be in the same group! Remember, a true champion does not deny his loss. He accepts it with grace and dignity, and does his best to learn from it, so that he moves on as a better and a stronger person. This applies to sports as well as love and dating.

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The 7 Secrets of Running a Wildly Popular Blog

The 7 Secrets of Running a 
Wildly Popular Blog

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Did you ever wonder why some blogs attract tons of readers and others don’t?
Of course you’ve wondered. We all have. Because if you’re reading this blog, you almost certainly have a blog of your own. You think it’s great, and you want lots of other people to think it’s great too.
So what’s the answer? Why do some blogs become more popular than others?
There are lots of reasons why people flock to certain blogs, but I think one of the most important is that popular blogs are written by popular people — the sort of people who attract others.
And becoming a popular person isn’t just a matter of fate or genes. It’s something you can work on.
I’m not saying content isn’t important when you’re creating a popular blog. Content for the best blogs is almost always top-notch, interesting, and informative — and that takes work.
But a blog isn’t just about work or great content.
Think about the most popular person you know in your personal life. What is it about them that attracts other people? Brains? Skill? Knowledge? These things could be part of it, but don’t you also know popular people who aren’t the smartest, the most skilled, or the best-educated?
When giving the commencement speech to the Vassar class of 1983, Meryl Streep said this:
Real Life is actually a lot more like high school. The common denominator prevails. Excellence is not always recognized or rewarded. What we watch on our screens, whom we elect, are determined to a large extent by public polls. Looks count. A lot. And unlike the best of the college experience, when ideas and solutions somehow seem attainable if you just get up early, stay up late, try hard enough, and find the right source or method, things on the outside sometimes seem vast and impossible …
In other words, success isn’t necessarily about competence. It’s often about likeability. People like to spend time with people they like.
The same applies to blogs. Success often depends on likeability. How you come across. Your vibe. Your attitude and personality.
And if I were to break this down into specific tips, I’d say there are 7 secrets for making your blog (and you) more popular.

1. Have a conversation

People don’t like to be lectured or talked down to. They just like to talk. And a blog is really a form of conversation between you and your readers. Even if people don’t always directly communicate with you or leave comments, the tone of your posts should be more or less conversational.
Don’t write like you’re delivering a sermon. Write like you’re chatting with a friend. Keep it easy and informal.

2. Lighten up

You don’t have to tell jokes, but it’s smart to keep things light-hearted. Consider the Men with Pensblog. James always has a lot of fun when writing a post, and her sense of humor makes the information more readable and entertaining.
Your readers are probably having a tough day. Their desk is groaning under the weight of all their projects. The economy is crappy and their life is full of responsibility.
If they read your blog and come away feeling just a little happier, they’ll keep coming back.

3. Be yourself

After all, people are not coming to your blog just to acquire knowledge. They’re dropping by to visityou.
Which means you have to be there.
That means revealing a little about yourself, sharing the occasional personal photo, posting videos where you talk to your readers, letting people know what’s going on with you.
And all this served as an introduction to thoughts about how writers take risks, so it remained informative and focused on the reader.

4. Be nice

Yes, your mom was right. You have to be nice.
Don’t be a diva. Answer your emails. Respond to comments. Be polite even when a reader makes the occasional stupid remark or a troll flames you for no good reason.
The people who are rude to you are having a bad day, or a bad life, and they want to share their frustration and anger with you. But it’s their problem, not yours. They want to provoke you. Don’t let them.
If anyone gets out of control on your blog, don’t bicker about it. Just delete the comment and move on.

5. Get over yourself

When you think about it, blogs are really kind of egotistical. You have to think pretty highly of yourself to assume other people want to hear what you have to say day after day.
There’s nothing wrong with a healthy ego, but your blog really isn’t about you. It’s about your readers.
It may seem counterintuitive, but the more you cater to your readers needs, the more popular and profitable your blog can become. The more you give, the more you get. The world is full of self-centered and stingy bloggers. Don’t be one of them.
(I realize this might seem to contradict #3. There’s a delicate balance there. You want to share enough of yourself to make a connection, but still keep your focus on your audience.)

6. Help people

Think about the people in your personal life. You probably know that one person who is always willing to help, no matter what you need.
Why do you keep going back to that person? Because you know they’ll say “yes” when most others will say no. Helpful people are popular people.

7. Stop trying so hard

Yes, you need to work at your blog. You should write good posts. You should offer solid information. You might even put in long hours.
But don’t push too hard. Relax. Enjoy it. Make it part of your life. If you’re desperate for success, that desperation will show.
It’s like dating: there’s a fine line between wooing someone and stalking them. I mean, have you ever had someone get a crush on you and start trailing you like a puppy? It’s annoying. And a little creepy.
No matter how much you want success, just remember that it comes fast for some and slower for others.
There’s a moderately popular blog I used to enjoy. Then the people who run it announced a product. From that day forward, every post was about their product. Every link pointed to a sales page. The blog was no longer a conversation. It was a relentless sales pitch. I don’t visit any more.
Meryl Streep was right. Life is like high school. And success has a lot to do with being popular. So … be popular.
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