Saturday, April 7, 2012


When we are born we are completely dependent on others for our survival both physically and emotionally. Most of us grew up with our physical needs being met adequately and emotional needs being met sporadically or not at all.
But when we were little and love was not as available or predictable we learned to live without it. We subconsciously created ways of thinking and behaving that helped us feel safer in what seemed like a random world. You may have tried different things to get more love and support you in feeling more loveable. Some of those ways worked and you did get more attention. To this day you may subconsciously still believe that you need these patterns in order to be loveable.
The 10 Lies We Think Are Love:
1. Food is love 
Our bodies require love through appropriate touch. When that need has not been met we often turn to food to fill us. The root cause of all addictions is the body's need for attention. Food feels good to the body. The body will begin to believe food is love and continually seek it out to get the feeling of sweetness and fullness that the energy of real love gives us when it is open and flowing in our being.
2. Sex is love 
This can play out in a way that supports people in fearing, hating and despising sex, or becoming addicted to it. If you were sexually abused or prematurely affected by sexual experiences, it is common to have the deeper belief of "I can only be loved for sex." Sexual encounters can feel abusive and leave you with a feeling of being used.
Sexual addictions are supported by the bodies need for affection and it has come through sexual encounters. Again the body needs touch and support. If you were sexually abused as a child or that pattern is still alive from generations past, your body may hold the belief of "my body is bad because it feels good." It goes through a cycle of feeling starved for love, getting a quick fix with sex, and then feeling bad for satisfying it's need for love with sex.
3. Money is love 
This pattern can get set up in families with money. When emotional love is not flowing freely, money is often used as a substitute. This can set up the siblings as rivals because they subconsciously know that there is not enough emotional love to go around and they must vie for mom and dad's money and possessions. Mom and dad's money and possessions represent the energy of real love that they have never had. As adults money represents security. Security supports us in feeling safe. This can also feel like love. The more money you have, the more safe you feel, the more loved you feel.
4. I have to be sick or ill to be loved 
If you were given more attention when you were sick or ill as a child, you may still believe that you need this pattern to get noticed. If you were healthy and well you risk the experience of no one caring about you. Doctors can feel like surrogate parents. They give you attention, advice, and hopefully encouragement. All the things you needed as a child. Your sickness may be a way to keep you from living your life fully or taking responsibility for your life because you feel incapable and afraid. It is something to fall back on when you need to escape and want to hide.
5. I have to suffer to get love 
People in abusive relationships are creating this pattern and are not familiar with healthy love and how it operates in a relationship. If you were beaten, slapped, hit, physically punished in your childhood or that pattern has been in your family, you may believe that love is being hurt. You will even sabotage healthy relationships to create this so you can feel your familiar experience again.
6. I have to fix people to be loved 
Many people have a deeper belief that if they are not helping people get better they have no value. If they have no value, they cannot be lovable. The problem with this pattern is if you need to fix sick and dysfunctional people in order to feel loveable, you will continually attract these people into your life and they will not get well. You need them to be "unfixable" so you can stay "loveable."
7. I have to control you to make it safe to let you love me 
Control is one of the biggest patterns in relationships. The deeper belief is "I will control you before you control me." It is common for two controllers to be together in a relationship both only seeing the other in the controlling pattern. I have worked with numerous couples where both are controllers. I will ask them separately "who do you believe controls the relationship?" They will always say, the other one does. Blame is a big part of the controller's experience. Victim energy is at the root of the pattern. At a deeper level if you still believe you are a victim, you may use control to create a feeling of safety to prevent yourself from ever being a victim again.
8. I have to please others to be loved 
This pattern is often the other common opposite of a controller pattern. It is more common for women to play this role in a relationship with a controlling man. In this pattern the person always is thinking of other people before they think of themselves. Everything they think or say is processed with the underlying thought "what will other's think, what do other's want, what do I have to do or say to make sure they are happy." Chronic Fatigue and other energy depletion disorders are common with this pattern.
9. If I let you love me, you will leave me 
Abandonment is at the core of this pattern. If you were abandoned as a child you may fear that the people you love get hurt, die or go away. In order to prevent this from happening you will not let a relationship go very far or you will sabotage it first. It is common to hold the deeper belief "I'll abandon you before you abandon me" because you are still believing that every relationship ends in abandonment so you might as well be in control of it. That way it doesn't hurt as much and it is more predictable.
10. Love hurts, relationships are painful 
This belief will only support you in creating unhealthy, painful relationships. You will continue to attract people that you create a lot of pain with. You will support your relationships in being painful in the way you perceive them, think about them and the choices you make in them. You will go from one relationship to another feeling victimized and hurt wondering when real love will come your way. Or you will believe you're stuck in a relationship that can never work and feel you will never be happy.

Are You Ready To Graduate?

                Are You Ready To Graduate?

Well, you should be!!!!
What's all the talk about graduating and your progress bar all about anyway?  If you want to be successful this is hands down the easiest way to get the jump start you need!
How do you know if you have graduated and what are the benefits?
Let's go through this together and figure this out. Wink
This is where your progress bar is located....


You can find your progress bar if you go to your dashboard and click on your start tab.  You will see your progress bar right over the genie! 
If you see white in your progress bar just role your cursor over the tab and it will tell you exactly what you need to do to complete that tab.
There are four tabs that you want to complete and when you get that black one colored in it means you are done! Success.
What does each tab mean?
  • To complete the green tab all you need to do is categorize and rate 10 posts.
  • To complete the yellow tab all you need to do is create 1 blog post.
  • To complete the tab for Products and Services you will need to create a listing for Products and Services that gets approved. (the color of the tab is to be determined) 
  • To complete the blue tab create 3 ads that get approved.
  • To complete the orange tab all you need to do is boost a minimum of $1.00 (if your funds aren't matured yet you can always top up and put in about $ can get that money back after it matures!)
  • To complete the black tab all you have to do is complete all of the other tasks and have at least 3 friends and 100 fans.
Yay! That's it...the progress bar is complete once you try each knowledge role. Easy right! for the good stuff!
Why should you concentrate on completing your progress bar? What's the big deal anyway?
These are the perks of being a graduate....
  • Faster approval of Ads, Blogs, Products Services and Premium Blog Packages.
  • Double profits on all earnings (other than Provider earnings).
  • Faster maturation of earnings to purchase ads (60 days)
  • Eligibility to become a Success Coach.'s pretty much a no brainer. You get your ads approved quicker, you automatically earn MORE MONEY, quicker funds maturation and the option to be a coach!'s a no brainer!
Like I said this will jump start your success.  Trying out each of the knowledge roles means you will find out how the site works. It's only a matter of time before you try everything out anyway, so get it done and graduate and enjoy some of the awesome perks!
If you're not sure how to do something or why you can always ask your success coach.  That's what we are here for! We want you to be successful, so what are you waiting for!
If you are already a graduate...congratulations! Enjoy the fruits of your labor. 
 Why are you still here?  You should be looking at your progress bar and seeing what you should do next! 
Wait! One more thing...if my post didn't get you excited about the perks of graduation check this out! As I mentioned above when you graduate you are eligible to become a success coach. Well, you have to see this to believe how cool this program is...
Success Coach Program
The rest is up to you!  You are armed with the information to graduate and jump start your success! I want to see you graduate!
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas Edison

11 Ways To Become The Worst Facebook Friend Ever

Jilted by a lover?  Hate someone’s ugly face?
Here are eleven ways you can become their worst Facebook nightmare.
1. Add All Of Their Asian Friends.
Everyone hates the guy who adds everyone else’s friends.  But don’t be conventional.
When they see that all of your mutual friends are from one ethnicity, they’ll wonder.
Dude, how are you friends with all of my Asian friends?
I don’t see race.  I see harmony.
You'll do.
2. ‘Like’ Any Horrible Status.
Justine: just broke my leg skiing :(  FML.
You: Like!
Walter: My Golden Retriever is on fire.
You: Like!
Peter: oh noes!  i have herpes.
You: Like!
3. Comment On Every Picture, Telling Her You Can See Her Nips.
Especially wedding ones.
4. Comment On Every Picture, Telling Him You Can See His Nips.
It works too!
Who turned the AC on in the tranquil garden?
5. Petition Them Every Time Facebook Changes Something.
If Facebook changes their layout, get mental.
Ask your friend how he plans on dealing with the issue.
Dude, they changed the top toolbar.
Do you know what this means?
It means we have to blow shit up.
6. Comment That Their Baby Pictures Look Sexy As Hell.
It’s wrong.
Hilariously wrong.
7. Thank Them For Getting You Into The Teachings Of Al Qaeda.
Leave a wall post thanking them for broadening your horizons.
Hey Tom, just wanted to say thank you for the material you sent me.  I was thinking of taking my girlfriend to Florida for vacation but now we’re going to Kandahar to you know.  Carry out your will.  Toodles!
8. Send Them Invitations To Events In Locations Unreachable By Conventional Travel.
Dude, did you RSVP to the party on the Gulfaks C Platform?
That sounds like an offshore oil rig.
Exactly where the craziest parties are, bitch!
This is where the craziest parties are.
9. Tag Them In Videos Of Your Ass.
No, that’s it.
That’s really just it.
10. Like And Unlike One Of Their Statuses For 17 Days Straight.
Rack up thousands of notifications.  When they message you to inquire, play dumb.
11.  Poke Them And Then Message Every 38 Seconds Asking If They Got Your Poke.
Did you get my poke?  I poked you.  Did you see I poked you?
I’m naked right now.
There you have it.  Use these tips to annoy the hell out of everyone.
Just not me.
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