Sunday, April 15, 2012

Graduation Simplified

Graduation Simplified!

graduationFanBox has been working day and night behind the scenes to improve the

FanBox is willing to   pay you twice what it did once you learn how to use the site. And, they have made it even easier than before. First, they changed the number of friends you needed from 25 to 3. That was cool!! Then, they did something that changed everything for A LOT of people. They did away with the requirement that you had to earn at least $200.00 before you could graduate. Boom! It was graduation day for so many when they did that. FanBoxAll FanBox wants from you before they start to pay you double your profits is for you to have a basic knowledge of all the ways to earn on FanBox. There will never be a day that there is no more to learn. We all learn something new just about everyday here! So, just a basic knowledge of each role is all that is necessary for you to graduate and I am going to lay it all out for you right now!

The third role is the "Knowledge Provider". This is where you can sell a product, service or your premium blog package. To complete this role, you need to create a listing for something that you want to sell. FanBox wants you to learn how this process works so you can teach your clients or students if you plan on becoming a Success Coach. Selling a premium blog package does not take you through the selling process because people buy your blog package and gain access to your blogs. You do not learn how the whole process of shipping and dealing with customers works. You could not teach your clients about all the things that they will experience when they offer a product or service for sale. So, to complete this role, you must create a listing for a product or service, but you only need to do ONE LISTING (AD) and, you do not have to sell it, just create the ad.

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